A Timeline for your Memoir

Shoshana Kobrin
2 min readJun 16, 2021

Like you, probably, I began my memoir years ago. Like many wannabe memoirists, I started at the beginning of my life. Then I slogged my way through to just after middle age. By that time, it felt like wading through mud wearing weighted boots.

I gave up. Turned my efforts to writing nonfiction. That was much easier because of the structure of the retreats and workshops I’d given.

A student asked me, “What is the most important part of writing a memoir?”

The question made me pause, “Organization — the structure.”

A book’s structure is the skeleton supporting the body, the frame of a house, or a tree’s trunk and branches. Starting your memoir with a structure will save an enormous amount of blood, sweat, and tears. Planned stories end up with a cleaner first draft and less editing and proofreading.

I offer you a method to structure the significant events of your life — constructing a timeline.

How to Create Your Timeline

• Start as far back as you can remember or were told by others
• In chronological order, enter the significant events in your life until the present — both the good and challenging times
• Incorporate historical events that impacted you
• Next to each event, enter your age, add the year if you wish
• Keep the timeline to one and a half pages maximum

Try it to jumpstart your memoir!

Contact me for workshops and individual consultation on several writing topics. I’m available for presentations and writing help for your organization.




Shoshana Kobrin

Shoshana Kobrin is a writing coach, editing consultant, and author. She gives writing workshops, individual consultations and is available for presentations.